As I was finalizing my PhD thesis in late 2023, I had the fortune of connecting with Paulina Paiz, a Stanford master’s student with a shared background and passion for tech and bio.
Welcome 👋 I have built this website with Wowchemy, a webiste builder for Hugo. I want to explain how I did it to help you get familiar with everything in no time.
Moving to a new place is never easy: you have to look for an apartment, maybe also find a job in your new place, a school for your children (if any), move all your belongings, and worst of all, you will face an incredibly high amount of bureaucracy to deal with during the first days, weeks, months, and even years at your future homeplace.
I was working in the industry before I started doing a PhD. That is pretty unconventional, since the vast majority of doctoral students enrol right after graduating from their bachelor or master.